Free resource

The 4 People Who Want to
Learn from Your Program

You work hard to implement programs that create social change for your community.

And you sometimes wonder:

• Is this program really making an impact?

• Are we collecting the right data?

• How do we use the data we have?

• Who needs our program that we are NOT reaching?

You need a learning & evaluation plan for your program.

But the process for creating your plan must be accessible, so you can embed a learning culture into your team while still spending your time on program implementation.

This short guide is your starting place.

Let's start with the people.

This guide covers the 4 audiences to consider when identifying what questions you need to be asking in your learning & evaluation plan.

I'm on a mission to teach non-profit program staff how to design their learning & evaluation plan.

The 4 People Who Want to Learn from Your Program

A human-centered guide to kickstart your program's learning & evaluation plan